Tuesday, December 17, 2019
In Cold Blood And Lord Of The Flies Analysis - 1479 Words
As Thomas Hardy once said, a book must be important enough to prove its words, it has to have a story unique enough to show the reader other experiences that the average man would not experience but still be relatable so the story can have an impact. Both the novel, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote as well as the novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding fit this characteristic of individuality. The novel, Lord of the Flies, is relatable while also being incomprehensible in its use of theme regarding growth, a universal change, as well as the loneliness felt when stranded on an island, a feeling few people have felt. Similarly, the novel, In Cold Blood is gruesome and hard to understand in the details of the murder, while also leaving†¦show more content†¦The quote states, â€Å"They looked at each other, baffled in love and hate (54).†This quote shows how the two main characters are similar to any friendship duo in which there are many discrepancies, they know they argue and sometimes dislike each other, but overall love one another. These quotes show the way a reader may relate and be impacted by these quotes because they can agree with them. In addition to relatable quotes in Lord of the Flies, there are also quotes that may intrigue the reader based on the uniqueness of it and can also evoke a deep connection that the previous general quotes may not. An example of this kind of quote would be when first speculation was going around regarding the beast and its existence. This quote states, â€Å"Maybe there is a beast, maybe it’s only us (Lord of the Flies, 82). Although this quote is specific to this story, it is relatable outside as well. The beast mentioned in this quote doesn’t necessarily have to be a furry animal that preys on unexpecting victims, it can be an inner demon that appears when you least expect it. Interpreting the quote in various ways help it to be more understandable and relatable to the audience. Another e xample of this unusual relatability is when the boys stay on the island was reaching an end and they realized how much they changed since their arrival. This quote states, â€Å"(We should be) looking like we used to, washed and hairShow MoreRelatedSocietal Breakdown On The Island1720 Words  | 7 PagesSocietal breakdown on the island in ‘Lord of the Flies’ is due to the inherent evil of man 3.8: Develop an informed understanding of literature and/or language using critical texts. 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