Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Facts, Fiction and Commentary Examples
Facts, Fiction and Commentary Examples The Good, the Bad and Commentary Examples Commentary essays are among several kinds of essays utilized in writing. In the event the commentary has proved that the thesis is correct, it'll be reaffirmed via the conclusion. Writing commentary is undeniably the most difficult facet of the literary analysis essay. At length, directive commentary may also turn a writer off. For writing a superb commentary essay you're supposed to read the text or understand the concept in the beginning place. When you're reading articles, you could continue to keep this list handy in order that will help you to understand whether the writer is being honest or dishonest. To begin with you would like to make certain you know who your audience will be because you need to write for that audience. Think about the blurb on the rear cover of the book. Below are a few literary devices to secure you started. For this reason, you've got to be well-prepared regarding additional info, analysis, and researches of different people. Mind that downloading a few literary analysis essay examples is a terrific idea. The Examples from the Internet do, in actuality, come from the web. Perspective pieces may concentrate on current advances and future directions on a topic, and could consist of original data together with personal opinion. It is possible to find book commentaries in magazines and on the internet. These articles promote scientific discourse that challenges the present state of knowledge in a certain field. Opinion articles are by and large based on constructive criticism and must be backed by evidence. Be aware that physical education demands work samples in the shape of videos. There are many disagreements about what constitutes a commentary. If it's been proved that the thesis isn't right, then it is going to be refuted in the conclusion. Breadth is equally as vital as depth of analysis. Cite evidence to back up your analysis from the 3 student work samples you selected. Because it's not a one-passage review you've got to craft but an elaborate investigation of a literary work. Be aware the significant event whenever the significant work was introduced. The 2nd highest wrongful pattern on the world wide web is plagiarism. A commentary essay really isn't the most popular kind of academic assignment. Make sure the commentary follows the outline you've prepared in the start. To make it short, a literary commentary is a form of academic assignment aimed to reveal the outcomes of analysis and comprehensive description of a specific parcel of text. A literary commentary is specially focused on a comprehensive analysis and thorough description of a particular text. When you note down the ideas, be sure that you highlight the vital search phrases. PORTRAYAL the literary strategies and structure that reinforce the function of the passage are explained. When looking at style in conditions of lexis and syntax, you should think about what sorts of word are used and their register. Whether there are words just like you or we, you can say there are a couple of characters communicating with one another in the text. Naturally, you don't need to ad lib. As you see, there's no need to put in a reference page in the long run. Have a tough copy of the text so you can refer it every single time you demand. For instance, if a specific parcel of content was written as a member of a bigger collection and published at a certain time, you can mention it in your introduction section. 1 fundamental facet of a practical application is to do something every time a particular condition is met. The apparent overindulgence of the world wide web is presently debated. It is also feasible to incorporate a cause-and-effect concept in such a scenario. Once you have used these important thinking skills for some time, recognizing them becomes easier. That means you should guarantee that there isn't any writing mistake. Perhaps you merely want to rant audibly online. Superman, the most common comic book hero, is known for plenty of things. If your topic is all about controversial advances in medicine, your commentary is going to be slanted toward doctors and other professionals in the health care area and your goal is going to be to supply a commentary that will encourage these professionals to see the field in a way apart from initially presented.
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
In Cold Blood And Lord Of The Flies Analysis - 1479 Words
As Thomas Hardy once said, a book must be important enough to prove its words, it has to have a story unique enough to show the reader other experiences that the average man would not experience but still be relatable so the story can have an impact. Both the novel, In Cold Blood by Truman Capote as well as the novel, Lord of the Flies by William Golding fit this characteristic of individuality. The novel, Lord of the Flies, is relatable while also being incomprehensible in its use of theme regarding growth, a universal change, as well as the loneliness felt when stranded on an island, a feeling few people have felt. Similarly, the novel, In Cold Blood is gruesome and hard to understand in the details of the murder, while also leaving†¦show more content†¦The quote states, â€Å"They looked at each other, baffled in love and hate (54).†This quote shows how the two main characters are similar to any friendship duo in which there are many discrepancies, they know they argue and sometimes dislike each other, but overall love one another. These quotes show the way a reader may relate and be impacted by these quotes because they can agree with them. In addition to relatable quotes in Lord of the Flies, there are also quotes that may intrigue the reader based on the uniqueness of it and can also evoke a deep connection that the previous general quotes may not. An example of this kind of quote would be when first speculation was going around regarding the beast and its existence. This quote states, â€Å"Maybe there is a beast, maybe it’s only us (Lord of the Flies, 82). Although this quote is specific to this story, it is relatable outside as well. The beast mentioned in this quote doesn’t necessarily have to be a furry animal that preys on unexpecting victims, it can be an inner demon that appears when you least expect it. Interpreting the quote in various ways help it to be more understandable and relatable to the audience. Another e xample of this unusual relatability is when the boys stay on the island was reaching an end and they realized how much they changed since their arrival. This quote states, â€Å"(We should be) looking like we used to, washed and hairShow MoreRelatedSocietal Breakdown On The Island1720 Words  | 7 PagesSocietal breakdown on the island in ‘Lord of the Flies’ is due to the inherent evil of man 3.8: Develop an informed understanding of literature and/or language using critical texts. Hypothesis: Societal breakdown on the island is due to the inherent evil of man Jason Carvalho ‘Lord of the Flies’ is the name of William Golding’s historically famous novel, yet it is more than just a title. It is a kind of statement, a way of mocking the very existences of humanity. Reading this book I cameRead MoreAnalysis Of George Orwell s The Road 3871 Words  | 16 PagesINTRODUCTION â€Å"Lord of the Flies†by William Golding, â€Å"1984†by George Orwell, â€Å"The Time Machine†by H.G. Wells and â€Å"A Brave New World†by Aldous Huxley are all novels of the dystopian genre, that explore a post-apocalyptic world. The genre of the post-apocalypse is becoming ever more popular in the post World War Two English speaking world. The authors of these novels I feel, have a very distinct voice and style they create themselves to explore this world. 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Eliza Reed Cold After my mother s death, the hour of her burial, I wash my hands of you. It shall be as if you and I had never known each other and if we were the last two human beings left alone on Earth together, I would not exchange one more word with you ExactingRead MoreLiterary Analysis : An Inspector Calls 2046 Words  | 9 Pageslevel to the level of writing is the level of reading; both reading and writing, as they respond to motives not always available to rational thought, can be illumined by psychoanalytic thought. (Psychoanalytic Criticism) For example, in The Lord of The Flies by William Golding, Jack, throughout the story is shown to be a character with psychopathic characteristics, and his actions show clearly that something is wrong but as many psychopaths think, Jack is not aware of his inner craziness and attemptsRead MoreAmerican Literature11652 Words  | 47 Pagespoetry? Good questions! This web page provides a quick overview of poetry analysis. Please note that this handout discusses the basics of poetry; there is much more to know about it than there is room to discuss here. Laurence Perrine s book LITERATURE: STRUCTURE, SOUND, AND SENSE can provide more detailed information about poetry analysis. Until you can get a copy of the book, I hope this page helps you begin your poetry analysis work. What is poetry ? Poetry goes beyond the rhyming of words. TheRead MoreA Picatrix Miscellany52019 Words  | 209 Pagesused in conjunction with the correct constellations, this chapter is devoted to the latter. The author gives a descriptive list of the twenty-eight mansions of the moon, according to the â€Å"Indian†system, and assigns to each its correct talisman. Analysis of the passage shows that it is a compound of â€Å"Indian†doctrines, the tenets of Dorotheus of Sidon (both attested by Ibn abi ‘l-Rijà ¢l) and elements from a list ascribed to Hermes (attested by the Ihwà ¢n al-Safà ¢Ã¢â‚¬â„¢) (pp.14-21). 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Conservation of Water in the Tucson Water Basin Essay Example For Students
Conservation of Water in the Tucson Water Basin Essay WATER CONSERVATION IN THE TUCSON WATER BASIN ABSTRACT The City of Tucson is currently using far more water than it is replacing. Options and plans to solve this problem in the future are severely limited because of the fact that Tucson, Arizona is desert land. With the population continually growing, and each populant continually using more water, something needs to be done. The only answer that can be immediately put into action is water conservation. This solution can be practiced by individuals, corporations associations, and many other people people need to realize that they need to help now. Through research, this paper reveals the specific reasons that people need to conserve water now, gives some insight to help the reader understand why the water will run out, and tells the reader how they can help now. INTRODUCTION Water is the source of all life, especially in a desert community such as Tucson, Arizona where the states average rainfall is less than 10 inches a year (2c). Water is the reason that humans were able to settle in the Southwest, and without it, the great city of Tucson would be non-existant. Humans also have to realize that this supply of water is valuable and limited, and unable to support this region indefinitely. Since we, the local residents of Tucson, are currently using far more groundwater than we are replacing (8), consideration and planning need to be addressed in the form of conserving this precious supplier of life, water. MATERIALS AND METHODS In searching for materials relevant to my topic, I was faced with several options. First, Dr. James Riley gave me a couple of very useful phone numbers: one, to contact the Pima Association of Governments (520) 792-1093 and the other, the Arizona Department of Environmental Quality 1-800-234-5677. Each was quite helpful and offered to send me information through the mail, but my time span would not allow this. So then, I turned to the University of Arizonas Sabio Library Reference search, available online at http://dizzy.library.arizona. edu/, and found numerous sources available by using the keywords Tucson, Arizona water conservation. Many of these were books that I felt were out-dated and inadequate to my needs, so I turned to some other search engines on the internet, using the same key words. I found several helpful sites, but the most helpful was the homepage for Water Resources in the Tucson Basin, available at I scrolled down to the area labeled internet links to find up-to-date sites with the most information available on water conservation in the Tucson area. RESULTS In order to conceive the concept that our water supply will not last forever, one must realize where the water is coming from. As Water words, a quarterly newsletter produced by SAWARA, explained it: Nearly all water used in this area comes from an underground aquifer formed over thousands of years of geologic time. The aquifer is made up of varying layers of clays, sands and gravels that have been deposited in Avra Valley and the basin which underlies the greater metropolitan Tucson and Green Valley area. Substantial volumes of water, accumulated from years of snowmelt and rainfall, are contained within the tiny spaces surrounding the grains of these sediments. (8) This picture, shown on the Water Resources Research Center WebPages, at edu/azwater/ (2d) shows a nice diagram of the explanation from above. By understanding how these aquifers formed over thousands of years, hopefully you are able to associate that they do not quickly replenish themselves. Therefore, at the rate humans are using the water from the wells dug into these aquifers, it will soon be gone. So we must realize that there are many actions that must be taken, the most important being conservation. School Privatization Essay As show by the figure below (1b). Water Supplies Used To Meet Demand 1994 Source Acre-Feet Percent Central Arizona Project 24,000 7.7 Effluent 11,000 3.5 Groundwater 279,000 88.8 (One acre-foot equals 325,851 gallons.) As one can see, an .
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Future of History free essay sample
These details are then confirmed by a fuller reference in the bibliography. Eve read the sections on referencing and plagiarism in the handbook or in the WIT plagiarism policy and I understand that only submissions which are free of plagiarism will be awarded marks. By submitting this dissertation I agree to the following terms. I further understand that WIT has a plagiarism policy which can lead to the suspension or permanent expulsion of students in serious cases. (WIT, 2008). Signed: Date: 18/11/2013 Table of Contents A Critique of Haydn, T. 2012) History in Schools and the Problem of The Nation Education Sciences, 2(4):276-289 Why Chose this Article There is a very high-spirited campaign among Irish academics to present Junior Certificate History in its current format at present, I had planned to critique an Irish academic article on this topic but unfortunately high caliber, carefully considered, peer reviewed materials were simply not at my disposal here, highlighting how excitable but often inadequate the quality of debate on this topic has been to date. We will write a custom essay sample on The Future of History or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I chose to critique History in Schools and the Problem of The Nation instead because of the striking parallels between GEESE History targets in England (OCCUR, 2009) and the aims prescribed for Junior Certificate History here in Ireland (NCAA, 2008). Wanted to investigate if the defense of Junior Certificate History is justifiable and if the learning objectives of the subject are still relevant and useful to students a quarter of a century after the revised syllabus was first launched. Background, Discipline and Political Persuasion of the Author Professor Terry Haydn, PhD. Is a highly respected academic and with good cause he is indisputably an expert in his field. Haydn constantly researches the predicament of History in school settings with University-backed projects such as Childrens Ideas about School History and Why they Matter and is regularly published and co published, in academic literatures and esteemed, peer-reviewed periodicals (AAA, 2012). History in Schools and the Pr oblem of The Nation was published in Education Sciences, an international, academic, reputable, open access journal (Deed auction Sciences, 2013). The Quality, Relevance and Compilation of his Sources Heydays academic articles are always accompanied by an impressive, purposeful and up-to-date bibliography. Haydn himself appears a conspicuous 6 times in the Nations bibliography although on closer scrutiny, the article is a cumulative product of his assembly of empirical data and relevant case studies with papers such as Factors Influencing pupil Take- up of History and Pupils Perceptions of History at Key Stage 3. (Haydn, 201 2, p. 286-289). Therefore the multiple self-citations are justified.Spokespersons in the fortunes of English school History are cited and cross- referenced aplenty unconstitutionality, politicians, academic historians, subject inspectors, teachers and, aforementioned, school students. The newspapers Haydn references are a model of objectivity with titles cited equitably from across the Left/Right political gambit (BBC, 2013). Paradoxically though, despite the fair-mindedness and far reach of Heydays compilation of source material generally, his academic work always appears to strike the same, preordained political note: a Liberal and Left-leaning one.Introduction: The Main Issues Raised by the Author The articles main goal is to discredit the reintroduction of a traditional, triumphal kings and queens History syllabus in England. In discrediting the hard line .. . Humanists of the New Rights (Phillips, 2006) restoration agenda, Haydn spends the article defending Englands current History syllabus, a model recognizably Junior Certificate-like in its breadth.The Conservative-led New Right, according to Haydn, believe History can be used as a social binding agent for young people, whereas he believes curricular History is mind opening, not socializing. He believes History should be used to encourage young peoples critical and democratic literacy, mandating a balance between regional, National, European and World political, economic, social and cultural History empowering students with skills to interpret and sees historical events and contemporary civil society for themselves (Haydn, 201 2, p. 84). In Department of Education literature and in my own professional practice recognize these objectives as the same as those prescribed for Junior Certificate History (Department of Education, 1996). The Authors Findings and Conclusions A wide circle of academics echo Haydn of the disconnect of students to the emblematically positive portrayal Of. .. National History in the sasss and asss (Haydn, 2012, p. 282).Haydn claims that if the same content-driven, nationalistic agenda was still imposed on the Internet savvy students of today, hey would comparatively refute and dismiss such a golden age History agenda very quickly online (Thornton, 1990. P. 53). In complete contrast to this, the Internet affords the process-driven Junior Certificate and GEESE History students of the present, the opportunity to connect to the subject like never before.Haydn finds Junior Certificate-style History adjustable to purpose, promoting right up-to-date 21st Century topics, often transnational in nature for example the environment, work, poverty, the role of the state, gender, crime (Haydn, 201 2, p. 282). The study of History in the first 3 years of an Irish or English Secondary students school life is often a History of human activity, as opposed to the previous narrow timeline of heroic Irish or English historic struggle. But Haydn also stresses the deficits of Junior Certificate-style History.He acknowledges that the widespread practice of students mechanically responding to historical snippets is Death by sources a to f, a symptom of the piecemeal effort to teach historical detective skills. He also points out that the fragmented and disjointed teaching of isolated satirical events, often leaves students with an incoherent mental map of the past (Haydn, 201 2, p. 280). But Heydays criticisms can be offset with the pervasive access students now have to relevant historical illustrations, sources and short movie and documentary clips online.The Internet facilitates students to behave like History detectives at the stroke of a keyboard an area which Haydn himself has failed to exploit to its full potential at times: there is a total absence Of any uploading activity on his own History slide-sharing weapon to date (Slideshows Inc. , 2013). Live the Internet has fuelled Historys remarking as a favorite academic subject (Harris and Haydn, 2008) for present day students.The Internet affords digitally acquainted students the opportunity to fill in and investigate the historical record of any topic not covered to their satisfaction in class independently. The World Wide Web has connected students to History in a manner only dreamed of by the champions of curriculum reform in the sasss. With Haydn finding the new syllabus is now enjoyed by a majority, bordering on 70%, of surveyed student populations, in comparison to dents in the sasss/asss, who found the subject useless and boring (Hayden, 2012, p. 280), the future of History appears bright.The Scope and Bias of the Article First I must acknowledge my own bias: I thoroughly enjoyed this article. The more times read, the more impressed was. As a History teacher I was more than satisfied that Haydn captured the essence of the New History curriculum effectively, objectively and concisely. His endorsement of the New History syllabus was also based an impressive array of empirical and experiential evidence. His attempt to contextual the strengths and nakedness Of the syllabus from a series of important perspectives was not quite as objective though.In chorus with other scholarly and popular works by Haydn he ultimately surrendered the topic to his Liberal and socialistic predisposition. Even at a subliminal level Haydn echoed the same note. He unintentionally peppered the article in obscure references to flamboyant sasss Liberal-Leftist historical figures like Thomas Abomination Macaulay and Alexander Augusta Elder-Roiling. Haydn would like you to think this is an article of strict objective solitariness but despite his range and inclusiveness f research, the fringe issue of partisan politics and personality-driven points does exist. But in the overall scheme of things I believe these issues are not important enough to significantly undermine the articles robust test of evidence and the attention to detail that Haydn devoted to compiling his study. I believe Haydn strikes a Liberal-Leftist chord because he truly believes that that is the most appropriate counteraction to combat the New Rights restoration agenda (Phillips, 2006). Having read widely on this topic, from writers of every hue, I concur with Haydn. The Implications for ProfessionalPractice The New History Junior Certificate syllabus replaced a received, rote, nationalistic Intermediate Certificate History syllabus in 1 989, 2 years before England followed suit. When asked the chairman of the 1 989 NCAA curricular reform panel, Peter Gallagher, what the motivation behind the reconstruction of General History was, all his points mirrored those made by Haydn in his Nation article (Gallagher, 2013). Gallagher record of events has prima facie credibility be cause of his central role in General History reform. But the absence Of high caliber, peer reviewed articles on the topic here inIreland IS disappointing nonetheless. Think as a community of professionals home-grown theses on this topic should be made available to the Department of Education as a matter of urgency, as the introduction of the new Junior Certificate History syllabus is not to be rolled out until 2017, so preserving and enhancing the most relevant and precious elements, in whatever guise they take, is still possible. Academics in the media are mistakenly lamenting History downgrading from a universal subject to an elective subject because of a lack of proper research to date (Independent. E, 2013). But surveying Irelands Council for Curriculum and Assessment website I discovered that curricular History is to be re-wired into the new Junior Certificate as compulsory for all students, although not necessarily as the New History subject, as weve known the last 25 years, but as one of a portfolio of Learning Statements, meaning all students will be minimally required to, understand The importance of the relationship between past and cur rent events and the forces that drive change on Junior Certificate completion (NCAA, 2008). The demotion to History in Ireland is not in its tutus as a pillar subject, but to the amount of time students will have to devote to it, an issue Haydn records in his article as a deficiency already in existence in England. Our belief in the subject in its current format, as a group of professionals, is warranted and a principle worth fighting for. Haydn doesnt romanticizes History, he deconstructs it along very rigid academic lines and validates the subject as relevant, empowering and useful for students both in school and in later life.Overall think Haydn does not go far enough in his affirmation of History, as my teaching of the subject has become more elegant and meaningful with the advent of universal Internet access, in the quality of resources at my disposal and the immediacy of historical events to students online. In fact I now think extra time should be made available to History if we are also to optimize its detective element in electronic portfolio project work. Interest ingly Peter Gallagher the chairman of the 1989 reform panel pointed out that the present Junior Certificate Paper is marked out Of a curious 180 marks.Originally there was meant to be a separate 220 marks for project work, to be corrected locally in-house but teaching Unions refused o countenance such a suggestion at the time (Gallagher, 2013). Believe if we embed, not just project work, but electronic project work, into Junior Certificate History, as it was originally intended, students, teachers and society itself would stand to benefit from the proceeds of such a progressive, cutting edge mode of History teaching in schools.Conclusions Reading this article helped me understand the wisdom of reconfiguring History in 1989. The article raised fascinating issues about the value and value systems that refashioned History teaching in Ireland and England. I agree with Hayden that there are shortfalls to New History but not significant enough to reinvent the subject from scratch. History in Ireland is the only subject thats professional Association is affiliated to a federation Of European equivalents the European Association of History Educators, Resource (Resource, 2013).Junior Certificate History was a product of that collectivities and ably benchmark itself against European best practice and was a subject that was well ah ead of the curve both in terms of globalization digitization. Believe the defense of the current format of Junior Certificate History is justifiable but would be enhanced by retro-fitting the aims and objectives to include portfolio work, albeit internet-enabled and electronic portfolios to keep in check with students I. T. Deeds and demands. Academics in the media who applaud Junior Certificate History need to become more familiar with syllabus detail, so their campaign can be taken as seriously as I now unequivocally believe it needs to be. Reflection on Learning Is the high-spirited defense of the current format of Junior Certificate History among Irish academics justifiable? Was the theme that eventually led me to hosing, History in Schools and the Problem of The Nation as my article of choice to critique.Heydays Nation article was never my first choice, if I wanted to investigate the merits of Junior Certificate History, the least I planned on doing was to pick an Irish peer-reviewed academic article, as the question was posing was very Irish indeed. In the first stages of my research thought it was crucial to my critique to prove History a universally important academic discipline. When I inputted Why History should be taught in School online, the word taught climbed to the top rank of my sear ch any articles I mound were more directly linked to general teaching practices than to History the subject. However some of the articles bibliographies led me to American academic articles, revealing history is, in fact, a mandatory module of every students secondary studies in the U. S. Prophetically, the one article I found arguing for the scrapping of History as a subject, wanted to see the Junior Certificate-type soft skills associated with curricular History, diffused to other Secondary school subjects in recompense because he considered them so important (Schumann, 1980).From this broad search online I was pleased to earn that History is held in high esteem among education managers, and more importantly among students, on both sides of the Atlantic (Thornton, 1990, p. 54). This was the genesis of my robust defense of Junior Certificate History in my critique. From these more topic relevant articles and their bibliographies I found a plethora of scholarly popular international papers on the theme of History in schools (Dillon, 2011), including Heydays Nation article but I was still struggling to find any academic papers, on the topic, from Ireland!Instead I turned to the very mainstream Council for Curriculum ND Assessments website. To my surprise I discovered History was to be re- designated one of 24 prescribed Statements of Learning, meaning all students were to be minimally exposed to some measure Of local, national and international heritage (NCAA, 2008) in their 3 years of Junior Certificate study. Many academics in the Irish media had been mistakenly lamenting Historys downgrading from a universal to an elective subject (OConnor, 201 3) because of a lack of proper research.
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