Sunday, May 24, 2020
Extremely Useful and Harzard of Stem Cells Essay - 605 Words
Stem cells are known as cells that are not destined a certain function. Stem cells can reproduce themselves into specialized cells within the tissues and organs of the body. This is implemented through differentiation; made possible with a process in which certain genes make themselves active or inactive in order to turn into the certain specialized cell. There are both pluripotent and multipotent stem cells, meaning they can develop into nearly any body cell they desire and can only create a limited amount of cell types, respectively. Stem cells can also either be adult stem cells or embryonic. Embryonic stem cells come from the inner cell mass that is found in laboratory-cultured, few days-old embryos. These stem cells are†¦show more content†¦As told in the article by Julie Rovner, there are already 60 countries in the world that have laws on their books banning human reproductive cloning, however only 15 of the 50 states in the US has actually banned the process. The deb ate goes on not only within the democracy, but within the republic - Congress has a draw over the controversy. This subject not only is a struggle within itself, but it provokes the abortion (pro-life, pro-choice) argument as well; pertaining to when a human life actually starts. The cost of stem cell research is also a large part of the controversy - its not at all cheap. Laws have been passed restricting funds for the study, giving limitations to researchers and politicians both. The ethical argument is the major drawback for these two groups of people as well, however according to President Obama, the majority of Americans, from across the political spectrum, and from all backgrounds and beliefs, have come to a consensus that we should pursue this research. I agree with the statement the President made. The pros of stem cell research outweigh the cons, and the potential work that these cells can do; they can essentially erase time and create a newly perfected body sys tem...its unbelievable. I think that with an increased amount of security and background check along with strict guidelines could really support the
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Turning Around Negative Experiences in How to Slowly Kill...
How can it be that someone may not like you because you are different? For me it is hard to understand how someone can discriminate against another human being, for the reason that the color of his or her skin is different. Discrimination may seem as something from the past but this is a reality in this day in age that many people still endure. Discrimination affects people in several different ways such as creating fear, anger towards society, and in some cases even be ashamed of whom they are. Although we have negative experiences, difficult obstacles or meet people who will bring us down to our lowest points in life, I believe we can use these negative experiences to make us a stronger person, and make us want to reach our dreams, and to want to live life. How to Slowly Kill Yourself and Others in America by Kiese Laymon is a personal narrative story that takes place in Mississippi. Laymon gives his audience an insight on certain events that occurred from the age of seventeen unti l the time he moves away from Mississippi. Beginning with the day, he comes across John Deere who is a cop and almost gets himself arrested. When attending college they expel him for an essay he writes for the college paper that causes controversy. He also talks about the time his mother pulls a gun out on him, afterwards there is a moment where he pulls a gun out on himself, and he thinks about how the events are affecting him and the people in his life. Beginning with his first event,
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Effects of Obesity in the United States Navy Free Essays
When Americans hear the words United States Sailor what image comes to their minds? Do they see the all American boy standing tall, wearing his dress blues uniform with his white hat tilted to the side? Does he look like the sailor on the Cracker Jack box? That used to be the image of the U. S. Sailor back when the Greatest Generation was fighting during World War II. We will write a custom essay sample on Effects of Obesity in the United States Navy or any similar topic only for you Order Now Now, all a person has to do is go online and search U. S. Navy Sailor in the search engine and they will find unlimited pictures and videos of sailors doing every day things as well as supporting our interests around the world. With the invention of the World Wide Web, sailors are not only asked to do their jobs at sea but also be impeccable ambassadors of the American people on shore. Because of this important part of being a service member, it is imperative that today’s sailor resemble that all American boy or girl. While sailors are adults and must take responsibility for their own actions, lack of training and attention to dietary health has contributed to many sailors discharge from service due to being out of Navy regulated physical standards. The U. S. Navy celebrated its 235th birthday on October 13th 2010, but the way sailors are being officially evaluated physically is only about 35 years old. Operational Navy Instruction, (OPNAVINST) 6110. 1 was implemented on June 16, 1976 from a directive given by the Chief of Naval Operations (CNO). The stated purpose of this instruction was â€Å"To implement a physical fitness program for Navy personnel, regular and reserve, that will meet the need for physical stamina and strength necessary for combat effectiveness and mobilization as directed by Secretary Of The Navy Instruction (SECNAVINST) 6100. †(Hodgdon, 1999). In the 6110. 1, the term obesity was defined as â€Å"excessive accumulation of fat in the body manifested by poor muscle tone, flabbiness and folds, bulk out of proportion to body build, dyspnea (difficult or labored breathing), and fatigue upon mild exertion, all of which detracts from military appearance†(Hodgdon, 1999). The fitness program that was establis hed from this instruction was nothing more than a modified version of an aerobics program developed by a Dr. Ken Cooper. This aerobics program was a set of warm up exercises and basic calisthenics that were used based on a points system. This first physical fitness instruction did not include a physical fitness test. On July 17, 1980, the Navy issued an updated instruction for physical fitness. This instruction was OPNAVINST 6110. 1A which was virtually identical to the original 6110. 1 with the exception of adding a fitness test. This test was implemented to set certain standards that all sailors would have to adhere to as a way for the Navy to track the physical readiness of its sailors. For example, a male age 17-25 had to perform a minimum of 30 sit-ups in two minutes; 20 push-ups; four pull-ups (optional); complete a 1. 5 mile run/walk in 16:30 (OPNAVINST 6110. 1A, 1980). On June 29, 1981 Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 1308. 1 was implemented. The biggest difference of this directive was that the Navy implemented a weight control program to add to its physical fitness program. As the Navy started to fine tune its physical testing of its sailors, the chain of command added and subtracted those elements that they believed define a model sailor. On August 7, 1986 OPNAVISNT 6110. 1C was issued navy wide (Hodgdon, 1999). There were several major changes to the 6110. 1. One of the more severe changes was that all Navy personnel were required to take the Physical Readiness Test (PRT) twice a year. Another change was a health risk screening that needed to be done before a sailor was allowed to participate in the PRT. Yet another change was that the body fat assessment was to be separated from the PRT and was to be conducted as an individual assessment. Under this instruction a new technique and new standards for measuring body fat was established. One of the most important changes that came from this instruction was that new consequences for failing the body fat were established. Under the new standard body fat assessment, if a sailor was diagnosed as obese they were not allowed to participate in the PRT until cleared by the medical staff. If the sailor was diagnosed as obese consecutively in a 16 month period they were to be screened for separation from active duty. It is because of these changes in how the Navy Chain of Command viewed its sailors, that the sailor themselves had to re-evaluate how they handled their careers. Before the implementation of the 6110. series instructions, all a sailor had to do to be viewed as outstanding was make sure that they were the subject matter experts in their field. This meant reporting for duty early, studying all of the rate training manuals, and following the orders of their superiors. The only physical standard that a sailor had to maintain was be able to complete their duties in an exemplary manner and be able to get through a hatch on a ship to fight a fire if need be. They were not considered a bad sailor, or not good at their job, simply because they filled out their uniform a little bit more than the guy standing next to them. When it was time to take their rate advancement exam they did not evaluate what that sailor looked like in their uniform, the chain of command just wanted to make sure that the sailor was knowledgeable about his/her job. These days, to be eligible for advancement you not only need to know your job better than the other sailor, you also need to look better than him too. Before the implementation of these new guidelines, a sailor’s evaluation marks were issued based on job performance. With the changes in the physical fitness instruction come changes in the evaluation process as well. Now if you fail a Physical Fitness Assessment (PFA), it has to be marked and documented on your annual evaluation. Because of the ever changing rules and regulations of the physical fitness standards of the Navy, the Department of the Navy (DON) is now implementing more formal training geared toward nutrition and weight control. With this training, sailors are being taught that there are several benefits to a balanced diet. They are being trained that a healthy diet does not just improve their physical health but it also contributes to their mental health. Sailors now have the tools they need to start and maintain these healthy eating habits. The Navy Nutrition and Weight Control Self-Study Guide is the Navy’s principal tool that enables service members to improve their health and fitness (Cox, 1996). This guide is being issued to all personnel who are enrolled in the Fitness Enhancement Program (FEP). This program is a mandatory program for those sailors who fail any portion of a PFA. This program is also open to any sailor who wants to learn how to take care of their bodies in a healthy way. With this new mindset of training sailors to take care of their bodies for health reasons and not just to look like the sailor on the Cracker Jacks box, more sailors are taking this knowledge with them after they transition from military life to civilian life. There is a new standard now for being a sailor. In the past it was all about going out to the bars with your shipmates and having a good time. With the current tempo of operations, a sailor must be ready physically, as well as mentally, to answer America’s call wherever they are needed. The Navy is no longer turning a blind eye to sailors being out of physical standards. If sailors cannot balance a healthy lifestyle as well as train for their jobs, they may be the ones standing on the pier waving good bye to their ex-shipmates. References Chief of Naval Operations (OP-09) (1908). Physical Fitness. Office of the Chief of Naval Operations Instruction 6110. 1A. Washington, DC: Office of the Chief of Naval Operations. 17 July. Cox, L. (1996). NAVY Nutrition and Weight Control Self-Study Guide. Washington, DC: United States Navy. Hodgdon, Ph. D. , J. A. (1999, August 18). A History of the U. S. Navy Physical Readiness Program from 1976 to 1999. Human Performance Department Naval Health Research Center. How to cite Effects of Obesity in the United States Navy, Papers
Sunday, May 3, 2020
My Works free essay sample
Were the values listed above in the normal range? Why or why not? a) hematocrit would be 19 (AK) b) WBC would be . 5% (AK) C) These values are considered extremely low. This male, suffering from aplastic anemia, has a low red blood cell count, white blood cell count, and low platelet levels. (AK) 6. What is the hematocrit for a female with iron-deficiency anemia? Is this value in the normal range? Why or why not? The hematocrit for a female with iron deficiency anemia is 32. The value is not in normal range because normal range is 42%, and lower than normal hematocrit indicates anemia. (KEM) Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate 7. Describe the effect of sickle cell anemia on sedimentation rate Sickle cell anemia has no effect on sedimentation rate. (M. Smith) 8. why do you think that it has this effect? 9. Record the sedimentation rate for a menstruating female. How did this value compare to the healthy individual? Why? 15 mm/hr for the menstruating female and for the healthy female it was 5 mm/hr, for a difference of 10 mm/hr. We will write a custom essay sample on My Works or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page he reason why this has happened is because when a female is menstruating she can sometimes of develop anemia which van show an increase in ESR. (AL) 10. What was the sedimentation rate for the iron-deficient individual? The iron-deficient person has an ERS of 30mm/hr. (MM) 11. What effect does iron deficiency have on ESR? ESR can be elevated in persons with iron deficieny. (A Darby) 12. What is the ESR for a person suffering a myocardial infarction? or angina pectoris? Person with myocardial infarction has an ERS of 40 mm/hr and a person with angina pectoris has an ERS of 5mm/hr. (K. P)
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